Luke 24, 1-12:
“Why look among the dead for someone who is alive? !He is not here! He has Risen!.
We must not be afraid to believe and proclaim this great and good news.
On Easter morning, when the disciples still saw everything dark and the women were already perceiving a light, you should also know how to discover those lights of new life which the Spirit kindles constantly in you and in the whole world.
Because it is easier to believe in death than in the resurrection and life.
The resurrection is the final victory of Jesus Christ over evil and death.
And in that victory, we began to participate from the day of our baptism.
Manifest the resurrection of Jesus in your everyday life doing good and helping with the release from the signs of death still present in humanity, in you and in every person.
Remain today with the Heart of Mary waiting for the great news that
Antonio Sanjuan Marin, cmf