Serving the Word: Lk 1: 57-66


Lucas 1, 57-66:
“Elizabeth’s time came and she gave birth to a son… John is his name… the hand of the Lord was with him”.

Today’s Gospel narrates the birth of St. John the Baptist, the Precursor of Jesus.
John the Baptist was sanctified already in his mother’s womb before he was born. The Gospel tells us that he leapt for joy when he heard Mary’s greeting to Elizabeth in his mother’s womb.
And from then on, his whole life was a continuous leap of joy before the Saviour.
He announced him, pointed him out, exalted him and finally gave his life witnessing to the truth he announced.
You too jump for joy at the gratuitous salvation that you are continually receiving from God and also announce that salvation so that many will jump for joy at it.
We are approaching and we are already at Christmas Eve. May your joy overflow in such a way that it spreads the Gospel to all those who treat you and surround you.
Prepare yourself as best you can for the Birth of the Saviour.
Good day.

Antonio María Sanjuán Marín, cmf

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