Serving the Word: John 6, 60-69


John 6, 60-69:
“Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”

Have you ever thought about the number of words you can utter during a normal day of your life?
And have you ever thought about the number of words you hear in a normal day of your life?
In that number of words there will be words of all kinds: words of encouragement, of blessing, of joy, of comfort.
And there may also be words of anger, of contempt, of sadness…
Among so many words spoken and heard everywhere, in so many ways and from so many sources, we may forget to listen frequently and daily to the word of Jesus.
And only He has WORDS OF ETERNAL LIFE. His words are spirit and life.
Do not let a single day go by without hearing the words of Jesus.
Good day.

Antonio Maria Sanjuan Marin, cmf

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