Serving the Word: John 6, 30-35

John 6, 30-35:
“I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never be hungry; he who believes in me will never thirst”.

Pope Benedict XVI said on one occasion that Christianity is not an ideology, but the personal encounter with Jesus Christ.
This meeting is the only one that completely changes our life.
We get stuck in the rules. We cling to some cults. But we don’t cling to Jesus.
That is why many of us are “anemic Christians”. We eat many “breads” and apparently and for a moment we are satisfied.
But we do not get to eat the true bread of life that is Christ himself.
He is the answer to our hunger and thirst for justice, happiness and love.
Put Jesus at the center of your life. Come close as frequently as you can to the Eucharist and always eat this BREAD that gives life to you and to the entire world.
Today repeat many times the prayer that people addressed to Jesus: “Lord, give us always this bread.”
Good day.

Antonio Sanjuan Marin, cmf

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