John 5, 1-16:
“Get up, pick up your mat and walk.”
We saw yesterday three verbs conjugated by a court official which invited each one of us to also conjugate them: TO INSIST, TO BELIEVE and TO START OUT ON THE WAY.
In today’s gospel there appear three imperatives on the lips of Jesus. They are three imperatives that are directed also at you:
+ STAND UP: Don’t fall asleep in your life of faith. Lent is a favourable time to awaken and get up. Leave your spiritual drowsiness or your indolence and laziness. Hone your faith and your spiritual life.
+ PICK UP YOUR MAT: Your problems, your concerns, the negative aspects that you find in your lives and in the lives of others. They are your crosses that come to be your “mats”. Embrace them and pick them up with joy. They won’t paralyzed you.
+ SET OUT WALKING: Yesterday you set out on the way and today you are walking behind Jesus. Follow his way. Try to truly be his follower and his disciple.
Good day.
Anthony Sanjuan Marin, cmf