Serving the Word: John 16: 16-20


John 16, 16-20:
“But your sorrow shall be turned to joy.”

In today’s Gospel, Jesus is talking to his disciples about his coming death.
He predicts them that they will weep and mourn for his absence.
But he also promises them to change their sadness into joy.
It also happens to us sometimes that we feel Jesus’ absence. It seems that he abandons us, that he leaves our side…
And we feel the sadness, the tiredness, the darkness and the abandonment.
These are moments in which we cannot lack faith or hope.
Jesus is always there, even if sometimes the darkness hides the light.
Let us never doubt that any sadness placed in Jesus’ hands will turn into joy.
Put in his hands today those sorrows of yours and the sorrows of all people so that he may raise them up in joy.
Good day.

Antonio Maria Sanjuan Marin, cmf

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