Serving the Word: John 15. 9-17

John 15, 9-17:
“This is my commandment: love one another as I have loved you”.

The only thing that saves us is the love of God. We are not saved by our own merits or by our own efforts.
The only one who saves us is the tenderness of a Father who loves us like crazy and is always with open arms in welcome, forgiveness and mercy.
Certainly, our collaboration also is necessary and essential.
The love of the Father has to be the measure of love of his children.
Jesus very clearly repeats it for us today’s gospel: “As I have loved you”.
This love is translated in the concrete, in the day-to-day, in the most ordinary part of our life.
Most of us will not be called on to undertake great heroic acts. But we need more of the mettle of a hero to love in every moment than to love only on the big occasions.
Apart from that we will not know how to love on the big occasions if we do not know how to love in the most insignificant of life.
Engage today by loving in the concrete and small occasions that throughout the day will present themselves to you.
Good day.

Antonio Sanjuan Marin, cmf

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