Serving the Word: 9th October


Luke 11, 15-26:
“He that is not with me is against me; he that does not gather with me scatters.

These words of Jesus in today’s Gospel are a call to put aside all self-sufficiency and to hold fast to the strength of the Lord.
We often believe that we can achieve things, our projects and our goals, by our own hands and our own efforts.
And we do not realize that without Jesus everything is useless and everything is sterile.
Trusting fully in Jesus cannot induce us to cross our arms and wait for the Lord to do everything. No.
We must work so that the Kingdom of God grows in the world by doing everything “as if everything depended on us, knowing that everything depends on God alone.
May you be an instrument in the hands of Jesus today so that all that you sow in goodness and build in a positive way is not scattered.
Good day.

Antonio Maria Sanjuan Marin, cmf

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