Serving the Word: 9th October


Luke 10, 25-37

“And who is my neighbour?”

Your neighbour is that person whom you hold close in your heart.

I am sure that during this year we have heard, read, meditated and prayed today’s gospel more than once.

I invite you again today to conjugate the verb “to be neighbourly” by performing in your life the seven actions realised by the Samaritan who “became a neighbour” to the wounded man on the road:

  1. Reach out to people trying to understand and comprehend the feelings of each one of them.
  2. Approach each person you meet on the road without fear or trepidation.
  3. Try to “bind up their wounds” and never try to make them worse.
  4. Lend them your support and understanding.
  5. Provide what you can to help their wounds heal and recover.
  6. Pour “oil and wine” on these wounds. That is to say: affection, gentleness, tenderness, mercy ….
  7. Take care of each person, especially those who are closest to you.

In this way you will be a neighbour to everyone and in this way you will live mercy. This is what God does continually with you and with all of us.

Good day to you.

Antonio Sanjuan Cmf


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