Serving the Word: 9th November


John 2, 13-22:
“Do not make my Father’s house into a marketplace!

Jesus’ contemporaries had turned what was meant to be a place of encounter with God into a place of commerce.
Jesus cannot stand this lie and takes the opportunity to show us what is the true temple of God.
And he tells us clearly that the true temple of God is the heart of every human being.
And how many sellers of human beings we find in our day:
– We traffic human beings already from their mother’s womb and do not even let them be born.
– We traffic in children by exploiting them in a thousand ways.
– We traffic in women and men, depriving them of the most elementary things and even of their dignity as persons.
What would Jesus say and how would he act in the face of all this?
You are today the mouth and hands of Jesus.
Shout out loud the cry of Jesus: Do not turn my Father’s house into a marketplace!
And act accordingly too.
Good day.

Antonio Maria Sanjuan Marin, cmf

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