Serving the Word: 9th June

FRIDAY 9th JUNE 2023

Mark 12, 35-37:

“The crowds, which were many, enjoyed listening to him.”


Reading the Gospels, we see how Jesus spoke in a simple way. He did not use fancy words. He spoke clearly and directly. He used images and comparisons so that everyone could understand him….

And Jesus also spoke with his own life, a life lived in deep relationship with the Father and in continual service to others.

That is why today’s Gospel ends by saying that “the crowds, who were many, enjoyed listening to him”.

How do you talk about God, Jesus and his Kingdom?

Keep in mind that the best “sermon” will always be your own life: your simple life, dedicated to others, coherent, etc.

These are the “sermons” and the languages that we all understand best today.

May those who hear you also enjoy listening to you.

Good day to you.

Antonio Sanjuan Cmf


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