Luke 1, 26-38:
“Mary said, “Here is the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done to me according to your word.”
Good Father, everything invites us to be grateful for what you have done in Mary Immaculate and want to do in us, moved by your infinite love.
We thank you that we can turn to Mary Immaculate as our mother and as a model of faith.
As a person capable of accepting your word and always ready to live it with all her heart.
We thank you because Mary Immaculate brought Jesus into the world and made him known to us, invited us to obey him, and she was the first disciple.
May we, like her, be attentive to your plans at all times.
May we not be afraid to adhere to them with all our heart, and may we not say that today it is impossible to follow the Gospel of Jesus as Mary, the Immaculate Virgin did.
Help us, above all, to never see as normal or to make a pact with the evil one and the sin that we find in the world and within us.
Let us not make a pact with selfishness and violence.
May we not be indifferent when human rights are violated and people are enslaved.
Let us not be indifferent when we are being invited to live without faith.
Free us from saying “this has always been the case” and that “it is impossible to improve the world”.
May we have the courage to believe and to put our faith into practice.
May we, like Mary Immaculate, prepare the way to receive more fully the grace that Jesus brings us.
Good day.
Antonio María Sanjuán Marín, cmf