Luke 5, 1-11
“Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch”.
This is the time to put out into the deep and let down the nets for a catch. This is the time to go out and search for hearts as Pope Francis tells us.
To put out into the deep is to venture into the unknown, to navigate currents we have never navigated, to navigate the insecure, to navigate those peripheral seas that have more risks?
Hopefully, without leaving what we do, we will venture into new things, not out of a desire for novelty but out of a desire to seek hearts for God.
It may be that fears, apathy, routine… leave us anchored on the shore and we do not dare to go out, to put out into the deep, to cast our nets….
But the Lord is inviting us to go out and to put out into the deep and to cast our nets for a catch.
Do not be afraid. By his word, in his name, put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch. He turns our discouragement and fear into courage, our negativity and helplessness into an abundant catch.
Let us put out into the deep and let us cast our nets for a catch!
Good morning, Antonio Sanjuan Cmf.
Antonio Sanjuan Cmf