Serving the Word: 7th July


Matthew 10, 7-15:

“What you have received freely, give freely”.


We live in a world where everything is bought or sold.

We rarely use the word GRATUITY. And we use the content and practice of that word much less.

However, from the Gospel everything is grace, everything is a gift, everything is free. God does not charge us for anything. He gives us everything free of charge.

Every day we receive life and everything that surrounds us and that we have for free.

Free of charge we receive his mercy and forgiveness.

Free of charge we receive his love and affection. Freely we receive his joy and his consolations….

Jesus invites us today to give freely all those gifts and presents that we have received from the Father.

You also give those gifts that you have received from God: peace, mercy, forgiveness, affection, cordiality, joy…

Today, think of three gifts that you can give out during these summer days and dedicate yourself to giving them out freely.

Good day.

Antonio Sanjuan Cmf


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