Serving the Word: 7th April


John 8, 51-59:

“Whoever keeps my word will not know what it is to die forever.”


How many things we cling to in the hope that they will give us fulfilment! And when it comes down to it, the only one who will give us the fullness of life is Jesus Christ.

In him hope rests, is born and is reborn. For whoever keeps his word “shall not know what it is to die forever”.

He offers us a life in fullness of meaning. He offers us a life lived in love, in hope, in fraternity, in joy….

Pope Francis tells us: “Please do not let your hope be stolen from you.”

May it never be stolen from you by pessimism. May it never be stolen from you by prophets of doom. May it never be stolen from you by adverse situations. May nothing and no one rob you of the hope that the word of Jesus gives you. “Whoever keeps my word will never know what it is to die forever.

Good day.

Antonio Sanjuán Marín, cmf


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