Serving the Word: 5th June

MONDAY 5th JUNE 2023

Mark 12:1-12:

“A man planted a vineyard, surrounded it with a fence, dug a winepress, built a caretaker’s house, rented it to tenants, and went on a journey.”


We are all workers in the Lord’s vineyard. But sometimes we think we are, each in our own position, the owners of the vineyard and we kill in ourselves all the “envoys” and “messages” that the owner of the vineyard sends us.

We even think we are above the heir, appropriating what is not ours in order to make the most of it.

Today the Lord gives us a wake-up call to review our capacity to welcome.

First of all, our acceptance of Jesus and his Gospel.

Ask yourself how you welcome Jesus into your life.

And you will see it in the measure in which you put his Gospel into practice.

Ask yourself also today how you welcome other “sent ones” that he sends you: people, occasions, events ….

The Lord wants you to be a good worker in his vineyard and to welcome all his visits, allowing yourself to be challenged by them.

Good day to you.

Antonio Sanjuan Cmf


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