Serving the Word: 4th October


Luke 9, 57-62

“Whoever puts his hand to the plough and keeps on looking back is not fit for the Kingdom of God”.

The disciple of Jesus must take his discipleship seriously.

To follow Jesus is to be willing to lose securities, amenities and dignities. To follow Jesus is to be willing to give up the ties that prevent us from unconditional service to the Kingdom of God.

To be a disciple of Jesus is to be free, to renounce, to follow faithfully.

Ask the Lord to set you free to follow his ways, to fulfil your mission, to follow him always, to overcome a thousand difficulties and obstacles. Jesus may demand sacrifices from you, but he also gives you the gift of complete happiness.

Walk always with Jesus and your life will have meaning.

Good day to you.

Antonio Sanjuan Cmf


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