Luke 14, 12-14:
“When you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind; blessed are you, for they cannot repay you; they will repay you at the resurrection of the just!”
There is a theology that could be called “the theology of the broom, the apron and the towel”.
It is the theology to which today’s Gospel invites us to live.
It is simply the theology of self-giving and service.
This gospel asks us to be with those who Jesus was with.
And Jesus was with those who were “without”: without papers, without food, without work, without health, without shelter, without family….
Put on a good clean apron today and pick up a sturdy broom and start tending to and sweeping up any need you find around you.
Like Jesus, invite to your banquet the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind.
Blessed are you because they cannot pay you. You will be repaid when the righteous are raised.
Good day to you.
Antonio Sanjuan Cmf