Serving the Word: 30th May

MONDAY 30th MAY 2022

John 16, 29-33:

“I have spoken this to you so that you may find peace in me. In the world you will have struggles, but take courage, I have overcome the world”.


The Peace that Jesus brings us is not the absence of conflict or the absence of tension. Nor is it the absence of war.

The peace that Jesus brings us is perfect harmony with the Father, with our brothers and sisters, with the whole world and with ourselves.

It is a peace that is not achieved by signatures, pacts and treaties.

The peace of Jesus comes from within us, from our hearts, and it is the security that we can have when we feel that we are in the hands of the Father and, come what may or whatever happens, no one can snatch us out of these loving hands.

In the midst of any external or internal struggles and difficulties you may have, be at peace. In Jesus you have already overcome them.

The risen Jesus sends you his Spirit who gives you strength and makes you a conqueror in all things.

Good day.

Antonio Sanjuan Cmf


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