Serving the Word: 28th September


Luke 9, 57-62:

“Foxes have holes, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.”


We are all living in insecure times. And we all like assurances.

We like to know where we are going.

We like to be secure in where we are.

We want job security. We want health security. We want, in short, to live securely and to have a place to live.

But following Jesus often entails not knowing where Jesus wants us to go. Where Jesus is calling us. Where Jesus wants us to be.

Jesus has no “where”.

Because Jesus’ “where” is where we can best serve, where service is most needed and where surrender is most necessary.

Follow Jesus with the absolute confidence that you will be happy in the “where” that he will indicate to you.

Good day to you.

Antonio Sanjuan Cmf


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