Serving the Word: 27th September


Luke 9, 1-6

“He sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.

Jesus had only recently called his apostles to be with him. But already he sends them out to preach conversion, to cast out many demons and to heal many sick people.

The apostles could have made excuses: they had not yet been with Jesus long enough, they could claim that they were not yet sufficiently trained, that the mission they had been given was hard and difficult, that they did not have the means to present themselves decently to the people, and many other excuses.

But they trusted the command and the word of Jesus and set out into the great outdoors as the Master sent them.

Jesus sends you too. Don’t make excuses that you are still young, that you have no training, that you lack experience, that you are going to be “out in the open”, that the task is hard and difficult, that you have enough with your obligations….

Trust in Jesus. Today’s world needs good news and many “demons” need to be cast out and many kinds of illnesses and diseases need to be cured.

Good day to you.

Antonio Sanjuan Cmf


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