Luke 21, 1-4
“Know that this poor widow has put in more than anyone else, for all the others have put in their surplus, but she, who is in need, has put in all she had to live on”.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta once said: “Your actions may be a grain of sand in the desert, but the desert would not be the same without that grain of sand.
The widow in today’s Gospel can be that grain of sand. Her gift in the treasury is insignificant, but Jesus blesses it because she has put in more than anyone else: “she has put in all she had to live on”. She has given the best of herself. She has given everything without fear of losing it. She has given herself. It costs us relatively little to give things, but it costs us enormously to give ourselves. To give ourselves in our time, in our projects, in our plans, in our joy …
We don’t know the name of this poor widow but she certainly earned heaven for a few pennies, which was all she had to live on.
Today I entrust myself to her, asking her that I too may know how to give the best of myself to the Church and to the whole world.
Good day to you.
Antonio Sanjuan Cmf