Serving the Word: 27th May

THURSDAY 27th MAY 2021

Mark 14, 12a.22-25:

“Take, this is my body …. This is my blood”.


Today we celebrate Jesus Christ High and Eternal Priest.

Jesus at the table of the Eucharist becomes bread broken, broken and eaten.

He also becomes wine poured out, shared and drunk.

Jesus goes all the way to the end of self-giving so that others may have life.

He shows himself to be High and Eternal Priest.

He is the only priest who leaves us the priesthood. Priests, in his name, are ministers of the Word, ministers of the sacraments and shepherds of the community.

We pray to the Lord today for all the priests of the Church. May they be shepherds with the “smell of the sheep”. May they go before the people of God, nourish them with his Word and renew and encourage them and with the sacraments.

We also ask the Lord to send many priests to his Church so that they may continue to fulfil the mission of Christ as the one and only eternal priest.

Good day.

Antonio Sanjuán Marín, cmf


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