Serving the Word: 25th September


Luke 8, 16-18

“To him who has will be given more, and from him who has not will be taken away even what he thinks he has”.

St. Anthony Mary Claret was a man on fire with charity who burned wherever he went.

St. Francis Xavier is represented as a man with flames of flame coming out of his chest.

St. Augustine is depicted with a burning heart in his hand.

These are symbols that represent that they were men who put the light of their faith on a lampstand for all to see.

Today, too, there are many people whose lamp of faith is not extinguished, but is very visible on the candlestick and is clearly manifested in their lives and works.

The more the light of faith burns, the brighter and brighter it shines. For whoever has light and takes care of the light has more light.

Do not let the light of your faith be extinguished bit by bit, for from the one who has none, even the little he has will be taken away. Work it, cultivate it and care for it. Take care of your prayer, your participation in the Eucharist and frequent the sacrament of forgiveness.

Good day to you.

Antonio Sanjuan Cmf


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