Serving the Word: 24th March


John 8, 31-42:

“If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples, you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”


We all aspire to know the truth and to live in freedom.

But how often, in the course of life, we fall into errors and enslavements that tyrannise us.

Jesus makes us see the truth about ourselves.

By contrasting our lives with his words and deeds, we will realise the lies in which we often live and the chains that often bind us.

By remaining faithful to his word, we will see ourselves as he sees us and we will also see the reality around us with his own eyes.

Look with the eyes of Jesus! How many other ways of looking deceive us, making us fall into lies, distorting our own image and distorting reality!

Look with the eyes of Jesus! How often we would like to see clarity in situations, in events, in experiences… Always turn to Jesus! He is the LIGHT.

Good day.

Antonio Sanjuán Marín, cmf


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