John 1, 45-51:
“He of whom Moses in the law and the prophets wrote, we have found him… come and see.
In the apostle Philip we have today an example of spiritual companionship: he has had an encounter with Jesus that has changed his life and he wants to share the joy of this encounter.
First he makes the encounter with Nathanael and speaks to him about his personal encounter with Jesus.
And when he awakens in Nathanael the desire to know Jesus, he invites him to meet Him and experience what he has experienced.
He does not do so with a speech. He does it with an invitation that comes from his own experience: “come and see”.
Today, the feast of St. Bartholomew, learn too from the Apostle Philip and from all the Apostles.
Let yourself be captivated by Jesus as they let themselves be captivated.
Spontaneously, you will also be able to speak of him with your word and with your life testimony.
And, from there, you will be able to say: “COME AND SEE”.
You will thus become the companion of all of us who seek Jesus.
Good day.
Antonio Maria Sanjuan Marin, cmf