Luke 8, 1-3
“The twelve and some women were with him”.
Nowadays there seems to be a competition to have more friends on Facebook or more followers on Twitter, even if you don’t really know who your followers and friends are. Knowing who you know is the least important thing, what matters is having them.
Jesus surrounds himself with a small group of people among whom the most important thing is to get to know each other, to be together In this group there are also a few women who collaborate in Jesus’ mission. We know how Jesus treats women, how he tries to include them in a society in which men are in charge and women are reduced to a lower level, confined to the home and domestic chores.
Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Susanna remind us of many women today who continue to give the best of themselves to serve the Lord and to proclaim his word with tenderness, dedication, courage and to make their way every day in a community in which their evangelising mission is absolutely essential.
Thank you, Lord, for so many wise and simple women, humble and prophetic servants and of an evangelical spirit with whom you enrich your Church.
Good day to you.
Antonio Sanjuan Cmf