Serving the Word: 22nd July

FRIDAY 22nd JULY 2022

John 20,1-2.11-18:

“Woman, why do you weep, whom do you seek?”.


Today Jesus asks two questions:

1: “Why are you weeping?”

2: “Whom do you seek?”

And, from these questions, I also ask myself these questions:

+ What are the things that cause my weeping?

+ Are they tears for myself or are they tears for others?

+ Do I cry for my own sufferings or do I shed my tears for the sufferings of my brothers and sisters?

+ Is my weeping selfish or does my weeping come from seeing the needs around me?

+ Whom do I really seek?

+ Am I seeking Jesus or am I seeking myself?

+ In everything I do, am I looking for my own interests, my own satisfactions, my own comforts… or am I always looking for the good of others?

Like Mary Magdalene, may we always weep at the loss of Jesus and always seek him from the love that loses the one it loves.

Good day.

Antonio Sanjuan Cmf


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