Serving the Word: 21st March


John 5, 1-16:

“Rise, take up your mat and start walking”.


In today’s Gospel there are three imperatives on the lips of Jesus. They are three imperatives that are also addressed to you:


+ ARISE: Do not slumber in your life of faith. Lent is a propitious time to wake up and get up. Let go of your spiritual drowsiness or your indolence and laziness. Get your faith and spiritual life in tune.


+ TAKE UP YOUR BED: Don’t let your problems, your worries, the negative aspects that you encounter in your life and in the lives of others. They are your crosses that become your “stretchers”. Embrace them and carry them with joy. Don’t let them paralyse you.


+ START WALKING: You are a walker behind Jesus. Walk his path. Try to be his true follower and disciple.

Good day to you.

Antonio Sanjuan Cmf


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