TUESDAY 20th JUNE 2023
Matthew 5, 43-48:
“Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. In this way you will be children of your Father in heaven, who makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust”.
For the Christian there are no “enemies”, because “one is your Father and you are all brothers and sisters”.
We will have people who are closer or less close to us.
There will be people in whom we will have more confidence than in others for whatever reasons.
There will be people we will feel in our lives with more weight than we feel in others.
But never in the heart of a Christian should the word “enemy” be harboured.
“Put love where there is no love and you will get love”, said the mystic St. John of the Cross.
Put forgiveness where there is no forgiveness and you will get forgiveness.
Put peace where there is no peace and you will get peace.
Put Jesus where there is no Jesus and Jesus and his Kingdom will be present.
A good programme for today and for a lifetime.
May you make “rain” and “sunshine” for many people as our heavenly Father does.
Love not only the one who makes it easy for you, but also the one who is hardest for you to love.
Good day to you.
Antonio Sanjuan Cmf