Serving the Word: 19th September


Luke 8, 16-18:

“See then how you hear, for to the one who has will be given, and from the one who has not will be taken away even what he thinks he has.”


It would be good for you to spend some quiet time today reading, meditating and praying this passage from the Gospel.

Whenever I read it I feel myself very much reflected in it and very much challenged by it.

I wonder to what extent I have an effective desire for Jesus to be the true Lord of my life.

Because it makes me think a lot about “to the one who has will be given, and from the one who has not will be taken away even what he thinks he has”.

And I ask the Lord that I may have a real desire to follow Him so that he will give me even more desire and that the little I may have will not be extinguished in me.

It also warns me that “no one who has lit a lamp covers it with a bushel or puts it under the bed, but puts it on the lampstand so that all who enter may see the light.”

Because it can also happen to me that the light that Jesus has lit in my heart, if I do not take care of it, will gradually dim until it is completely extinguished.

We ask Jesus to give us a real desire to follow him and never to let the light that he has kindled in us go out.

Good day.

Antonio Sanjuan Cmf


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