Serving the Word: 19th April


John 20, 11-18:

“Jesus says to her, “Mary!”. She turns and says to him: “Rabboni”, which means: “Master!


“Outside, by the tomb, Mary was weeping”.

Mary is still weeping at the tomb. She does not realise that the emptiness of the tomb is not because Jesus’ body has been stolen, but because Jesus has emerged triumphant from it.

Mary begins to live the risen life of Jesus when she hears his name and turns around.

Also today the risen Jesus turns to you and calls you by name.

He also wants to take you out of your mourning and your sepulchres.

Like Mary, you only have to turn to him and recognise him as your Lord and Master.

Mary not only turned and acknowledged the Lord. She went to the disciples and announced to them that she had seen the Lord.

Announce by your word, by your deeds and, above all, by your life, that you too have seen the risen Lord.

Good day.

Antonio Sanjuan cmf


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