Serving the Word: 18th November


Luke 19, 11-28:
“I say to you, ‘To him who has will be given, but from him who has not will be taken away even that which he has.

This gospel is a call to always grow in favour of others without resting on our laurels.
It is an invitation to recognize the talents that the Lord has given us and it is also an invitation to thank him for them.
Recognizing and giving thanks is a way to make the treasure he has placed in us grow and also to enrich all that is good in us.
And don’t be afraid to take risks. The lazy servant took his master’s anger and punishment because he did not want to risk the talent he had received.
The Lord also tells you what he said to Peter one day: “Put out into the deep.”
And remember also what Pope Francis tells us: “I prefer a wounded church to a sick church”.
A church that negotiates with all the talents that the Lord gives to each of its members on behalf of others.
Be thankful for the gifts the Lord has given you and make them bear double fruit.
If you lock them up, you will never gain anything and they will never be of any use to others.
Good day.

Antonio Maria Sanjuan Marin, cmf

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