Serving the Word: 18th November


Luke 18, 1-8

“For God will not execute justice for his chosen ones who cry out to him day and night, or will he delay, I tell you, he will execute justice for them without delay.

Today may be a good day to review our prayer. And, in particular, to review our intercessory prayer and our constancy in it.

The Lord always listens to us. But he does not always fulfil our requests at the time and in the way we want them to be fulfilled. When this happens, we become discouraged, we become impatient, we believe that God does not hear us and we may even stop praying.

Learn the lesson that Jesus gives us in this page of the Gospel. He asks us for faith and constancy in prayer. He assures us that God will listen to his chosen ones who cry out to him day and night.

Do not tire of praying without discouragement and with the certainty that the Lord always hears our pleas.

Good day to you.

Antonio Sanjuan Cmf


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