Serving the Word: 18 August


Matthew 19, 23-30:
“I tell you the truth, it will be hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.

Jesus’ plan is clear even if sometimes we want to give it a different interpretation.
Whoever lives to accumulate and consume without thinking of others can hardly enter into that project of Jesus.
We spend and consume unnecessarily without thinking of the bitter situations in which many people live, and perhaps not so far from us.
In these days of summer we may fall into this temptation in a special way.
It seems that spending and consuming become a necessity.
Let us all pray to the Lord that our conscience will not be hardened. May he open our eyes to the reality of our world and, if our heart becomes hardened and turned to stone, may he give us back a heart of flesh that feels and hears the cry and need of our neighbour.
Good day.

Antonio Maria Sanjuan Marin, cm


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