Serving the Word: 17 August


Matthew 19, 16-22:
“If you want to be perfect, sell what you have, give the money to the poor – then you will have treasure in heaven – and then come and follow me… When the young man heard this, he went away sad, for he was very rich”.

It can happen to us what happened to the young man in today’s Gospel.
This young man believed that life in its fullness could be achieved by his own efforts and with a long and full account of observances.
For him, everything is in the “doing”.
But Jesus suggests another way: the way of “being”. Which is the same as the way:
+ of going out of oneself,
+ to give up all security
+ of detachment
+ of service
+ of living not by living yourself, but by living for others
+ of making God’s plan a reality for everyone…
On hearing this proposal, the young man left very sad because he had many possessions. He was very rich.
He did not know how to give himself or when to kneel. This was the moment to accept Jesus’ proposal and to kneel down before Him.
You accept Jesus’ invitation and kneel before Him. Then you will be happy.
Good day.

Antonio Maria Sanjuan Marin, cmf

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