Serving the Word: 16th October


Luke 12, 1-7:
“Do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but they can do no more.

“Don’t be afraid”, Jesus tells us today.
Because fear does not allow us to be ourselves.
It paralyses us, it does not let us walk in safety, it sets off alarms everywhere, it blindfolds us and, in short, it destroys and kills us.
Jesus invites us to have full confidence in the Father, who takes care of even the simple sparrows.
He invites us to have full confidence in that Father of his and ours who is so concerned about us that not a single hair on our head falls without his consent. Try always to walk in the light and walk in truth.
Let all fear and dread go away from you and let trust in the Father fill you fully.
Good day.

Antonio Maria Sanjuan Marin, cmf

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