Serving the Word: 16th July


Matthew 12, 14-21:

“He will not be obstinate, he will not cry out, he will not shout in the streets, the bruised reed will not break, it the wavering wick will not quench it”.


Once again we see the contrast between the cold legality of the Pharisees and the mercy of Jesus, who continues to heal, continues to serve, continues to forgive and continues to help with deep pity and mercy.

And he does all this without fanfare and without great appearances.

He does it from simplicity, from humility, almost from anonymity.

Without fussing, without shouting, without noise, without fanfare, without breaking the bruised reed and without extinguishing the wavering wick.

Learn from Jesus today.

Practice mercy in this way.

You will see how happy you feel.

Good day.

Antonio Sanjuan Cmf


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