Luke 17, 11-19
“One of the ten lepers, when he saw that he was healed, turned and praised God with loud cries, and fell down at Jesus’ feet, giving him thanks”.
In the healing that Jesus performs today in the Gospel of the ten healed lepers, only one turns back praising God with loud shouts and giving thanks to Jesus.
And this one was a foreigner, a Samaritan. He did not consider himself worthy of Jesus’ attention. The other nine, full of pride at being Jews, consider that Jesus did for them what he had to do because it was due to them.
A grateful person knows that nothing is owed to him and that any service rendered to him is a free gift.
But only the grateful one, the Samaritan stranger, was saved by Jesus and not just healed. The others were only healed, but not saved.
It was the Samaritan who truly experienced the merciful love and friendship of Jesus that saved him. And all this because he turned to give thanks.
Live in gratitude for all that you have received. Turn many times today to Jesus to thank him for his love, mercy and salvation.
Good day to you.
Antonio Sanjuan Cmf