Serving the Word: 15th July

FRIDAY 15th JULY 2022

Matthew 12:1-8:

“If you understood what it means “I desire mercy and not sacrifice”, you would not condemn those who are blameless.”


A group of Pharisees are scandalised by Jesus and his disciples plucking ears of corn on the Sabbath, threshing them in their hands and eating the grain.

Their eyes are only open to the norm and the rule.

They are unable to see beyond it. They cannot see that those people who pluck the ears of corn and eat the grain do so because they are hungry.

Always try to look with the eyes of God, which are eyes of mercy.

* They are the eyes that move the heart to have compassion for the labours and miseries of others.

* They are the eyes that move the hands to put into practice love and healing for others.

Look today with the eyes of God and let them always move your heart and your hands.

Good day.

Antonio Sanjuan Cmf


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