Serving the Word: 14th May

SATURDAY 14th MAY 2022

John 15, 9-17:

“Abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love”.


Once again Jesus speaks to us about the commandment of love.

In today’s Gospel Jesus wants to make it very clear to us what his commandment is.

Jesus insists on the love of the Father. A love that dwells in us and a love that we spread.

A love that Jesus offers us as the essence of his Gospel. It is this love that will lead us to build a better world. From that love we will learn to live charity in service, to always respect others, to always forgive those who offend us, to always show our concern for all.

Strive today also in loving in the concrete and in the small occasions that arise during the day.

Good day.

Antonio Sanjuan Cmf


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