Serving the Word: 13th October


Lucas 11, 37-41:
“You Pharisees cleanse the outside of the cup and the dish, while inside you are full of theft and wickedness… Give alms from the inside and you will have everything clean”.

We often live on outward appearances.
We are concerned with our image, that which can be seen externally of us. Just think about how you take care of our external appearance when you have your picture taken: we pay attention to our hairstyle, our eyes, our smile, our posture…
And yet, how we neglect our inner world which is actually where good or bad actions come from.
Don’t try to live facing the gallery because you expose yourself to living in a continuous falsehood. What good does it do you if others think of you as being good, supportive, upright, sincere… if your interior is bad and polluted?
Because if your inner self is bad, sooner or later you will end up contaminated.
Try to keep your heart clean because in this way you will be happy: “Blessed are the clean of heart because they will see God”.
“Give alms from within and you will have everything clean”.
Good day.

Antonio Maria Sanjuan Marin, cmf

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