Serving the Word: 13th October


Luke 11, 15-26

“He who is not with me is against me; he who does not gather with me scatters”.

Jesus’ opponents never miss an opportunity to slander and discredit him. And, in the end, what they do is to reject the action of God. His prestige and his good name were above any good deed, wherever it came from. And even the good deeds of Jesus they attribute to the power of the Evil One.

Ask the Lord to help you to be one of his own and to be with him. Then you will enter into the dynamic of goodness, kindness and love. All the actions you do with him and from him will not be useless or fall on deaf ears. They will be God’s actions that will transform positively as Jesus’ actions transformed positively.

Good day to you.

Antonio Sanjuan Cmf


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