Serving the Word: 13th November


Luke 17, 26-37:
“He who seeks to save his life will lose it, and he who loses it will gain it back.

Those who have chosen to give their lives to Jesus and to the cause of his Kingdom have been and are those who have had and still have more life.
And I am not thinking of martyrs or people as dedicated as a Mother Teresa of Calcutta or a Pope like John Paul II.
I am thinking of so many people who, out of simplicity and humility, are giving their lives daily: mothers, grandmothers, doctors, nurses, teachers, professors, priests, “shepherds with the smell of sheep”. workers of many kinds…
I would like to be like many of these people who, without asking anything in return, are “gaining” their lives at the cost of giving and “losing” their lives in the service of others.
I invite you to embark today not on Noah’s ark but on the barque of the Church and begin to sail out to sea, “gaining” your life and giving it away with joy, courage and hope.
Good day.

Antonio Maria Sanjuan Marin, cmf

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