Serving the Word: 13th June

TUESDAY 13th JUNE 2023

Matthew 5, 13-16:

“You are the salt of the earth…. You are the light of the world”.


As followers of Jesus we have the mission to make him present in the here and now of history.

And we do that when we are lamps that are lit and salt that is not wet and has lost its taste.

I invite you to do an exercise today that I invited you to do a while ago:

1: Light a small candle. And while it burns and is consumed, think about what the flame does: it illuminates, burns, warms, spreads. When you have to extinguish it, think that you are called to be that little flame in the world.

2: Take a few grains of salt and place them in the palm of your hand. Put some in your mouth. And think that you too are called to be that grain of salt in the world.

3: Ask the Lord for his strength to be light and to be salt.

Good day to you.

Antonio Sanjuan Cmf


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