Luke 6, 12-19
“Jesus went out into the hills to pray and spent the night praying to God. When it was daylight, he called his disciples, and from among them he chose twelve, whom he also named apostles”.
Luke’s Gospel presents Jesus praying whenever he has to make an important decision in his life. One of these decisions is the moment when he has to choose twelve of his disciples as the pillars of the new church he is founding.
In these important decisions Jesus wants to be in a special way in contact with the Father in order to discover and accept his will.
His criteria for discernment will always be the will of his Father and the good of others.
What are your criteria for discernment in the decisions you make throughout your life?
What measure do you use in making your important decisions?
Do you go to the Word of God in making your choices?
Does your faith have a say in your daily life?
Good day to you.
Antonio Sanjuan Cmf