Serving the Word: 12th May

THURSDAY 12th MAY 2022

John 13, 16-20:

“Whoever receives the one sent by me receives me”.


We think that those sent by God must be extraordinary people. Wise and holy people who know God’s ways well and show them to others. It is true that God often uses such people to show us his ways and to show us his will.

But this is not the most common way. The things of God are very simple.

Jesus’ simple gesture of washing the feet of his disciples is an eloquent Word from God.

Deeds, words, events… are also sent from God. And we have to receive all this as “sent from God” and not only for people, which we are also.

Every person you meet on your path today is “one sent” from God for you.

Read also his Word in everything that happens, in everything you see and in everything you hear.

And keep in mind that you too are God’s messenger to others.

May all, from you and through you, see and hear the Word of the Lord today.

Good day.

Antonio Sanjuan Cmf


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