Serving the Word: 10th March


Matthew 5, 17-19:

“Jesus said to his disciples: Do not think that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have not come to abolish, but to make complete”.


Jesus does not want to break with anything of the old just because it is old.

What Jesus does want is to banish everything of old that has become empty of content.

And what he also wants is to fill the old with the new meaning of the Gospel that he brings and proclaims to us.

Jesus does not want empty observances or mere rituals.

Jesus wants both observances and rites to be filled with love for God and neighbour.

Both observances and rites should be ways and tools to get closer and to meet more deeply with our Father God and with our brothers and sisters.

Do not despise any rule or rite.

Try to fill them with their authentic content.

Be very careful not to make a code of rites and norms to suit your own needs and convenience, but empty of authentically Christian content.

Ask the Lord today to help you to better follow his law of love and to put your full trust in him.

Good day.

Antonio Sanjuán Marín, cmf


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