Serving the Word: 10th December


Matthew 17, 10-13:

“The disciples asked Jesus questions”.


In the Gospel there are many questions addressed to Jesus by those who surround him at every moment.

Sometimes they are malicious and other times they are simply seeking the truth, as is the case with the questions that the disciples address to him in today’s Gospel passage.

Jesus, normally, always answers.

Sometimes to unmask the traps. At other times, to illustrate, teach and enlighten.

Pray today by asking Jesus questions. I’m sure you have many things to ask him too.

And don’t think that Jesus will answer you immediately. He will answer you in a veiled way and he will also answer you through people and events. And, above all, through his Word.

Try to be attentive and watchful to understand his answers.

Good day.

Antonio Sanjuan Cmf


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