We conclude the echoes of the celebration of Father Claret Day (24th October) with the renewal of professions of some of our students of the Province of Fatima in different places.
Thus, on October 24th itself, solemnity of St. Anthony Mary Claret, the students Anthony Ho Quoc Vu, Lemuel Paul Tuvilla Ayuyang and Vitor Emanuel Magalhães Barbosa renewed their religious profession. The first two, Vu and Lemuel, were accompanied by the community of Granada and by Fr. Félix Jesús Martínez Lozano cmf, Provincial Prefect of Spirituality and Formation. Vitor was accompanied by several members of his community of Carvalhos-Colegio and renewed by the superior of the community, Fr. Vitor Manuel Pereira Pinto cmf. A few days before and from the hands of the Provincial Superior, Fr. Carlos Alberto Candeias cmf, the student Tiago Emanuel Afonso dos Ramos was renewed in his community of Claret-Seville.
For all of them we ask for the gift of fidelity to their vocation.